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  • 東健牌® 擁有三十五年市場經營的香港品牌,秉持「從新研發、從心製藥」的精神,堅持「優質出品,安心消費」的原則,除了保持產品長效、安全、穩定之外,更為消費者帶來「愛心點滴‧健康增值」。
    Tongune® is a local brand with 35 years of history in the market. We are known as a manufacturer providing high standard of quality to ensure the effectiveness, safety and stability of products. We concern your health more than anyone else. Our commitment to the innovative research and development enables consumers to live healthier lives.

    東健牌® 多年來致力研發各系列科學中藥,為都市人提供各類優質漢方之健康產品,達致調理、預防及養生保健的目的。
    With the mission of providing various high-quality Chinese healthcare products, Tongune® has been committing to the research and development of Chinese patent medicine over the years in order to focus on rehabilitation, preventing disease and health preservation.

    東健牌® 近年來致力推介最具代表性之產品「百痛精」,為市場提供了一個有效之「酊止百痛方案」,以配合都市人緊張的生活節奏、及因長期使用智能產品導致的各種痛症。「東健牌® 百痛精」屬 海軍醫學研究所 科研秘方、為市場罕有的漢方草本外用酊劑、已列入香港衛生署註冊產品、並取得「優質正印」產品之檢定。
    We have put lots of effort in promoting our signature tincture products - “Polypain Tincture” & “Luo Tong Tincture” in recent years. They are effective solutions to different types of pain caused by fast pace of lifestyle and prolonged use of smart devices in Hong Kong. “Polypain Tincture” & “Luo Tong Tincture” come from a secret recipe of The Naval Medical I Research Institute that makes them rare Chinese herbal tinctures in the market. Both tinctures are listed in the registered products of Department of Health with “STC-tested” Mark. 

    「東健牌® 百痛精」跳出傳統藥油味及油膩感的規限,不油不膩、清新氣味、滲透力強、溫熱止痛、藥效持久等特點,針對各種傷痛疾患,功效顯著、口碑載道。
    “Polypain Tincture” is different from the traditional ingredient and greasy texture, it is quickly to absorb with refreshing smell and strong penetration. The warm natured herb offers pain relief effectively in a long time. This product is very popular for its significant effect on various types of pain and injuries. 

    東健牌® 產品系列主要銷售渠道:屈臣氏、華潤堂、裕華百貨、各大藥房藥行及網上商店 (http://www.tongune.com/ ) 。
    Sales channels for Tongune® products: Watson’s, CRCare, Yue Hwa department stores, pharmacies chain stores and online store (http://www.tongune.com/ )
  • 使命


  • 創立

東健牌® 為東衍 (香港) 有限公司於1981年建立的香港品牌
Tongune® is a Hong Kong brand established in 1981 by Tongune (H.K.) Ltd.

  • 獎項

東健牌® 百痛精及東健牌®絡通酊之香港中成藥註冊編號:: HKP-07987及HKP-07989。
“Polypain Tincture” & “Luo Tong Tincture” are registered under the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, the numbers are: HKP-07987 & HKP-07989 respectively.

  • 安全資訊

東健牌®相關產品已榮獲由香港標準及檢定中心發出的品質驗證權威標誌─ “優質正印”商標。所有中成藥均有註冊香港中成藥編號。
The Tongune® products have creditable quality certify logos – “

  • 商品

東健牌 ® 百痛精
東健牌 ® 絡通酊
東健牌 ® 健髮丸
東健牌 ® 中華大蒜油丸
東健牌 ® 中華大蒜絞股藍丸⋯⋯ 

  • 電話號碼 : 2571 7138
  • 電郵 : tng@tongune.com
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